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Brand: AEW

Points: 95

Rob Van Dam


Brand: AEW

Points: 93

Lance Archer


Brand: AEW

Points: 91

John Silver


Brand: AEW

Points: 89

QT Marshall


Brand: AEW

Points: 83

Shane Taylor


Brand: AEW

Points: 82

Mark Sterling


Brand: AEW

Points: 78



Brand: AEW

Points: 76

Kota Ibushi


Brand: NJPW

Points: 75

Bryan Keith


Brand: AEW

Points: 69

Alex Reynolds


Brand: AEW

Points: 68

Mercedes Martinez


Brand: AEW

Points: 67

Red Velvet


Brand: AEW

Points: 66

Leila Grey


Brand: AEW

Points: 61



Brand: AEW

Points: 61

Aaron Solo


Brand: AEW

Points: 60



Brand: AEW

Points: 60

AR Fox


Brand: AEW

Points: 60



Brand: AEW

Points: 60

The Butcher


Brand: AEW

Points: 56